€ 130 000
Vente Villa Ankibanivato Nosybe
- Adresse: Ankibanivato Nosybe
- Réf: V314
- Ville: Nosy-Be
- Pays: Madagascar
- E-mail: direction@immobilier-nosybe.com
Vente Villa Ankibanivato Nosybe.
Villa familiale en L située dans un magnifique jardin arboré de 750 m², situé à 50m de la plage d’Ankibanivato. Référence V314
Possibilité d’agrandissement, et/ou de développement.
- 3 Chambres
- 1 Salle d’eau
- 1 WC
- 1 Cuisine
- 1 Salon ouvert
- 1 Grande terrasse
- Local entretien/réserve
- Puits
L’ensemble représente une surface habitable de plus de 90 m².
Propriété titrée et bornée.
Raccordement électricité et eau au réseau Jirama
Prix net vendeur : 130.000€. Frais d’agence : 6%
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Vente Villa AnkibanivatoNosybe
Sale Villa AnkibanivatoNosybe
Family villa in L located in a beautiful garden of 750 m², located 50m from the beach of Ankibanivato. Reference V314
Possibility of expansion, and / or development.
• 3 rooms
• 1 shower room
• 1 WC
• 1 Kitchen
• 1 open living room
• 1 large terrace
• Local maintenance / reserve
• Wells
The whole represents a habitable surface of more than 90m2.
Titled and bounded property.
Electricity and water connection to Jirama network
Net selling price: 130.000 €. Agency fees: 6%
To request information about this property, you can write to us using the contact form that is on this listing, we will respond quickly.
If you do not receive an answer within 24 hours of your question, do not hesitate to repeat it, checking your address: we sometimes receive incorrect e-mail addresses.
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Vente Villa AnkibanivatoNosybe
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