Spécial Investisseur
Spécial Investisseur


€ 90 000

Vente terrain madirokely NosyBe Mada

  • Adresse: Madirokely NosyBe
  • Réf: V311
  • Ville: Nosy-Be
  • Pays: Madagascar
  • E-mail: direction@immobilier-nosybe.com


Vente terrain madirokely NosyBe Mada.

Référence V 311.Très beau terrain de 5.000 m² constructiblesitué à Madirokely.


Quartier hautement  résidentiel, très calme à 300 m de la plage de l’Hôtel Palm Beach et 5mn du centre d’Ambatoloaka.


Eau et électricité à l’entrée du terrain.

Possibilité de morcellement.


Terrain titré et borné.


Prix net vendeur: 90.000 €. Frais d’agence: 6.000€


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Reference V 311.Very beautiful plot of 5.000 m² constructible located in Madirokely.

Highly residential area, very quiet 300 m from the beach of the Palm Beach Hotel and 5 minutes from the center of Ambatoloaka.

Water and electricity at the entrance of the field.
Possibility of fragmentation.

Land titled and bounded.

Net selling price: 90.000 €. Agency fees: 6.000 €

To request information about this property, you can write to us using the contact form that is on this listing, we will respond quickly.

If you do not receive an answer within 24 hours of your question, do not hesitate to repeat it, checking your address: we sometimes receive incorrect e-mail addresses.

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Vente terrain madirokely NosyBe Mada.

Ad Reference ID: 7995d15a0a492f2a

1487 total views, 1 today


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