Spécial Investisseur
Spécial Investisseur


€ 38.000.00

Vente Terrain Madirokely Nosybe

  • Adresse: Madirokely Nosybe.
  • Réf: Réf. V 304
  • Ville: Nosy-Be
  • Pays: Madagascar
  • E-mail: direction@immobilier-nosybe.com


Vente Terrain Madirokely Nosybe.

Vente Terrain Madirokely Nosybe

Très beau terrain de 3.000 m2 constructiblesitué à Madirokely.

Quartier hautement résidentiel, très calme a 300m de la plage de l’Hôtel Palm Beach et 5 mn du centre d’Ambatoloaka.

Eau et électricité à l’entrée du terrain.

Possibilité de morcellement.


Terrain sous régime de droit d’occupation Sirama.

Prix net vendeur y compris frais de rachat du droit d’occupation Sirama: 38.000€

Frais d’agence: 5.000€.

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Very nice ground of 3.000 m² constructibleitué in Madirokely.

Highly residential area, very quiet 300m from the beach of the Palm Beach Hotel and 5mn from the center of Ambatoloaka.

Water and electricity at the entrance of the field.

Possibility of fragmentation.

Land under occupation law Sirama.

Net selling price including Sirona occupancy fee: € 38,000

Agency fees: 5.000 €.

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Vente Terrain Madirokely Nosybe.

Very nice ground of 3.000 m² constructibleitué in Madirokely.

Highly residential area, very quiet 300m from the beach of the Palm Beach Hotel and 5 minutes from the center of Ambatoloaka.

Water and electricity at the entrance of the field.

Possibility of fragmentation.

Land under occupation law Sirama.

Net selling price including Sirona occupancy fee: € 38,000

Agency fees: 5.000 €.

Ad Reference ID: 1475cff442918865


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