€ 540.000.00
Vente terrain Andilana NosyBe
- Adresse: Andilana NosyBe
- Réf: Vente terrain Andilana NosyBe
- Ville: Nosy-Be
- Pays: Madagascar
- Laissez Vide: direction@immobilier-nosybe.com
- E-mail: direction@immobilier-nosybe.com
Vente terrain Andilana NosyBe.
Vente terrain Andilana NosyBe. Référence V253. Magnifique terrain plat de 6.000 m2, situé en bord de plage sur 52m/l de façade, au nord-ouest de l’île, faisant parti du village D’Andilana et à proximité de l’hôtel Resort Andilana Beach (4*) Terrain clôturé sur trois côtés et planté de cocotiers.
Possibilité de parcellement futur pour la réalisation d’un beau projet immobilier, activité commerciale, touristique…
Eau et électricité à proximité de la parcelle. Terrain titré et borné.
Prix net vendeur : 540.000€. Frais d’agence forfaitaire : 5 %.
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Vente terrain Andilana NosyBe.
Sale land Andilana NosyBe.
Sale land Andilana NosyBe. Reference V253. Magnificent flat land of 6.000m2, located on the beachfront on 52m / l frontage, in the north-west of the island, part of the Andilana village and near the Andilana Beach Resort Hotel (4 *). Fenced and planted with coconut trees.
Possibility of future parcelling for the realization of a beautiful real estate project, commercial activity, tourist …
Water and electricity near the plot.
Land titled and bounded.
Net selling price: 540.000 €. Flat rate agency fee: 5%.
To request information about this property, you can write to us using the contact form that is on this listing, we will respond quickly. If you do not receive an answer within 24 hours of your question, do not hesitate to repeat it, by checking your address: we sometimes receive incorrect e-mail addresses.
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